štvrtok 7. februára 2008

Ujo prezident

Náš ujo prezident má v New York Times v sekcii platenej inzercie Special Advertising Supllement uverejnený imidžový rozhovor, ktorý by mu na Slovensku u jeho potenciálnych voličov asi na popularite príliš nepridal.

Tu je zopár viet, ktoré sú vzhľadom na jeho predchádzajúce výroky a postoje nazvime to jemne prekvapivé:

NYT: Slovaks have always been part of Europe. Now there is Slovakia…. What should our readers think when they think of Slovakia?

IG: Even though Slovaks are one of the oldest nations in this region, we have had our own state for less than sixteen years.
Today Slovakia is virtually in the lead of the new EU-member states and has launched the most aggressive reforms in the EU community. We have embarked on reforms which even the original EU member states have never considered.
The truth is that initially investors have come to our country only because of low wages and, of course, the new taxation system and, very importantly, our qualified labour force.
The first positive step which the current government took was to continue the reforms that had been underway.
Slovakia continues to walk down the avenue of democracy.
Freedom is the most important thing for people on this planet.

Samozrejme, vety sú vytrhnuté z kontextu. Tu je celé znenie tejto reklamy v New York Times.

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